Commission THF




Réunion intermédiaire IARU R1 VIENNE, 20-21 avril 2013
Vos avis (référence du document, oui/non, argumentaire) avant le 31/03/2013 à : 

Compte-rendu (en Anglais)
Traduction du compte-rendu en Français
Compte-rendu du comité C4 (HF)
Récapitulatif des commentaires et avis
Documents préparatoires - Agenda complet (m.à.j 03/04/2013)
Détail :
vie13_c5_01 - Chairman report
vie13_c5_02 - 70MHz Band Plan
vie13_c5_03 - Increased Amateur9Satellite Service 144MHz Usage
vie13_c5_04 - Band Plan Modernisation & Updates
vie13_c5_05 - Recommendations for DATV Transmission
vie13_c5_06 - Shortwave links for Digital Communications and Voice
vie13_c5_07 - Contest Evaluation Procedure
vie13_c5_08 - Repeater Access Methods
vie13_c5_09 - DV Simplex and Hotspot (IDVG) frequencies on 145 MHz
vie13_c5_10 - National VHF+ Activity Contests
vie13_c5_11 - SSB/CW Contest in the 70 MHz band
vie13_c5_12 - Frequency of WSPR beacons in the 144 MHz band
vie13_c5_13 - Amendment of IARU9R1 ATV contest rules
vie13_c5_14 - Assign preferred frequencies for repeaters & gateways in the 4m band UBA
vie13_c5_15 - Extend the modulation method for Internet Voice Gateways in the 70cm band
vie13_c5_16 - Extend the modulation method for Internet Voice Gateways in the 23cm band
vie13_c5_17 - Extend the modulation method for Internet Voice Gateways in the 2m band
vie13_c5_18 - A complete review of the footnotes concerning the Bandplans
vie13_c5_19 - Submitting contest logs for ATV contest to adjudicating society
vie13_c5_20 - Expeditions operations
vie13_c5_22 - procedures for meteor scatter operation shall be reviewed
vie13_c5_23 - Status 50MHz beacon move
vie13_c5_24 - Region 1 Satellite Coordinator
vie13_c5_25 - CONTEST RULES – Definition of a contest
vie13_c5_26 - Change of section 5.3.10 in the VHF Managers Handbook – Entry of logs
vie13_c5_27 - New Narrow9Band working frequencies in the 2300 – 2450 MHz band
vie13_c5_28 - Proposal to avoid copy right problems for articles exchanged between IARU Region 1 magazines
vie13_c5_29 - WRC915 Agenda Items
vie13_c5_30 - DX record listings

vie13_c5_31 - Amendment to IARU Region-1 ATV Contest Date
vie13_c5_32 - 2400MHz Amateur Satellites
vie13_c5_33 - Beacons–MGM Alignment