Commission THF




Conférence triennale IARU R1 de LANDSHUT,  16-23 septembre 2017
AGENDA (m.à.j. 20/05/2017)

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LA17_C5_01 C5 - List of Papers
LA17_C5_03 C5LA17_C5_04 C5 - Ratification Recommendations Vienna 2016 - Report Permanent VHF - UHF Committee
LA17_C5_04 C5 - Ratification Recommendations Vienna 2016
LA17_C5_05 C5 - Mission of the new VHF Handbook
LA17_C5_06 C5 - Organisation of the VHF contests
LA17_C5_07 C5 - New members of the C5 committee
LA17_C5_08 IARU - IARU position on certain WRC-19 Agenda Items
LA17_C5_09 EMCOM - Emergency Communications Frequency Usage at VHF - UHF
LA17_C5_10 NRRL - Background noise measurement campaign
LA17_C5_11 IRTS - Remote Operation
LA17_C5_12 OeVSV - Digital Voice network – exchange protocol - informational
LA17_C5_13 SSA - Application and IARU Region 1 support with respect to License Shared Access
LA17_C5_14 RSGB - Amateur Transponders on Geosynchronous and Geostationary Satellites
LA17_C5_15 RSGB - VHF Managers Handbook Structure and Future Direction
LA17_C5_16 C5 - Report from DX Records coordinator
LA17_C5_17 RSGB - Clarification and Extension of the IARU Locator System
LA17_C5_18 RSGB - C5 Agenda Items and Requests
LA17_C5_19 RSGB - 50 MHz Band Plan (52 - 54 MHz)
LA17_C5_20 RSGB - 50 MHz Band Plan to support Digital Innovation
LA17_C5_21 MRASZ -Revision of 50 – 52 MHz Band plan and Meteor Scatter Procedure
LA17_C5_22 RSGB - 50 MHz Beacons
LA17_C5_23 UBA - Footnotes in the 2 m Band Plan
LA17_C5_24 UBA - All mode crossband repeaters and transponders
LA17_C5_25 REF - Frequency segments for Unmanned Machine Generated Mode
LA17_C5_26 UBA - Band plan 70 cm repeaters
LA17_C5_27 REF - Repeaters harmonized plan with 9 4 MHz Tx-Rx shift on the 430 - 440 MHz band
LA17_C5_28 OeVSV - 2 MHz bandwidth for LTE400 and CDMA high speed data networks on 433 MHz
LA17_C5_29 EDR - Alternative Narrow-Band working frequencies in the 2 300 - 2 400 – 2 450 MHz band
LA17_C5_30 RSGB - Millimetre Wave Bands and WRC-19
LA17_C5_31 RSGB - Millimetre Wave Progress and Innovation
LA17_C5_32 RSGB - 5 GHz Band Plan Clarification
LA17_C5_33 ZRS - Contest rules to be moved to IARU R1 web page
LA17_C5_34 ZRS - Diplomas from Region 1 VHF and UHF contests
LA17_C5_35 OeVSV - Change of the contest rules
LA17_C5_36 ARI - New method to store logs into the IARU Contest Robot
LA17_C5_37 ARI - Penalisation for a QSO completed via other communication methods
LA17_C5_38 ZRS - Treatment of Logs with evident transmit errors
LA17_C5_39 ARI - Modification of 5 3 11 Judging of entries
LA17_C5_40 ZRS - Working group to define common set of rules for “contest robots”
LA17_C5_41 RSGB - Devolution of all IARU VHF - Microwave Contests
LA17_C5_42 RSGB - Activity Contests – Weekday evening scheduling
LA17_C5_43 ZRS - Combine SO6H and MO6G into single contest category
LA17_C5_44 ZRS - New MO SA section in IARU Region 1 VHF contest
LA17_C5_45 ZRS - New SO LP section in IARU Region 1 VHF contest
LA17_C5_46 ZRS - 9 cm band in the IARU Region 1 UHF Microwave contest
LA17_C5_47 RSGB - Contests – 6 Hour Section Rules
LA17_C5_48 RSGB - Contests – MGM Operating Procedures
LA17_C5_49 RSGB - Contests – MGM within IARU Contests

LA17_C5_50 CRC - Protection of amateur radio frequency band and implementation of relevant IARU CEPT documents by national authorities
LA17_C5_51 EDR - Diplomas from Region 1 VHF and UHF contests

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